Thursday, August 19, 2010

22 July 2010 busy busy shopping day

Tomorrow's gonna be the last day that we can all gather together
So I spent much time getting something for all my friends~
but finally I also got a LOT of clothes for myself...
ai...too many clothes..

21 July 2010 Three months of meeting.

We were in Cologne today!
And we celebrated our 3rd month of meeting in a chinese restaurant (again:P)
It's raining outside, but I felt so comfortable as long as I was staying with you.
On our way to the train station, there was a man singing an old french song while playing his piano.
You held me in your arms, singing together with the man to me.
We were half wet because of the rain, but I just wish we could stay longer under the rain and hear you singing to me...

20 July 2010 A very touching day.

Went to the KiTa for the last time this morning.
Today was "Eltern-Kinder Action Day" which made it the perfect day for my farewell.
We had sooo much to eat for breakfast, and I could meet with the kids' parents!
but my Marla was still not there...I miss her soooo bad!!!><
Well, when it's lunch time, one of the teachers told me to pick up the lunch from the kitchen.
So I went with Delay. And when I was back with the lunch car, all the kids and the teachers were standing in the room, each holding a sunflower in their hands and singing the farewell song to me! They handed the flower over to me one by one..
I was sooooo touched...I just wish I could stay with them forever

I will remember these three months, each lovely face, each smile, each laughter...
You have brightened up my days, hellblau Kinder!!

And what's more touching was the letter found on my table when I was back.
I am just tooo stupid! I didn't realize how much you care about me and would only argue with you everytime out of nothing.

I Promise! I would be more mature and cherish the time left when we're together..

Merci et je t'aime.

19 July 2010 My dearest Sylvieeeee ><""

Last lesson with Sylvie...
I really LOVE her!
had a coffee with her after the exam
Sylvie said she hoped to receive my address in France in the future..
hahaha, I hope so too!

Sent 30kg to Taiwan today!
Gosh now I regret bringing so much and buying so much the whole year...
how come I could have so much stuff?!!!!

Merci nou nou, for carrying the heavy luggage for me><

18 July 2010 sweeeeet breakfast and headache

This morning you made me a sweeeeet breakfast!

another lazy day... but then I had a bad headache in the evening couldn't even work or EAT! (You can see how serious it was when I couldn't EAT)
but you were so nice to me=)

And luckily I am still alive~~~

17 July 2010 Ugly faces EVER.

Today you scared me by making ugly faces..
Everytime I look at those pictures I would think, "How come a person can make SUCH ugly faces?!"

Well, now i believe that:
the more handsome you are, the uglier faces you can make.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

16 July 2010 Ramen, Schifffahrt und Geburtstagsparty!

Today was a super busy day!
Went to Takumi with Jakob and Eri to have Ramen!
You couldn't come because you had to work..
Ramen is just too lecker!!

Then we went to a cruise journey along the Rhein~
But of course last time was much better coz I went with you on a really good ship!
Then we went to Hofgarten to have the birthday party~~
Sorrrrry that I made you worry and angry for the whole evening...